ABWM Provides Flexibility on Renewals and Recertifications During Covid-19


Contact: Caoimhe Kenny, Director of Marketing

202-580-6299, ckenny@abwmcertified.org


Due to the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the ABWM has amended its policies and procedures to allow for additional flexibility on 2020 recertifications and 2021 renewals. We hope this provides some small form of relief to the many CWCA®, CWS®, and CWSP® certified professionals working on the front lines of this crisis.

ABWM has extended all 10 Year Recertification deadlines until June 30, 2021. This means anyone due to sit for their 10 Year Recertification exam at any point in 2020 now has until June 2021 to schedule and sit for their exam.

The annual renewal deadline for 2021 has been extended from January 31st to March 31st, giving Diplomates and Associates an additional 2 months to submit CEUs and complete their annual renewal penalty-free. As ABWM staff continue to work from home, we ask that Associates and Diplomates pay their renewal fees online, as there may be delays in check receipt and processing.

Additionally, we are encouraging all applicants to submit any recertification, re-test and re-schedule forms via email to info@abwmcertified.org. First time applications must be sent via regular mail, UPS or FedEx to 1800 M Street NW, Suite 400S, Washington DC 20036. Please refrain from sending applications via certified mail, as we have been experiencing some issues with this service.

Finally, the ABWM would like to congratulate the 370+ Associates and Diplomates who have passed certification and recertification exams so far in 2020. It is a significant achievement, particularly in such a tumultuous year.

A healthcare professional with experience in wound management should seek board certification because it…
  • Demonstrates distinct and specialized knowledge in wound management, thereby promoting the quality of care for patients.
  • Increases recipients’ potential to obtain promotions, pay raises and greater job opportunities, while also serving as a source of professional pride.
  • Recognizes those who have met the eligibility requirements for board certification. ABWM requires all exam applicants to have at least three years of clinical wound care experience or to have completed a credentialed one-year residency in wound care.
  • Identifies a standard of knowledge essential for developing a comprehensive wound management program.
  • Advances cooperation and resource exchange among the various disciplines and organizations involved in the treatment of patients with chronic wounds.
  • Encourages continued professional growth and development of individuals and the field of wound management.
  • Allows recipients to market wound management services as a benefit of their practice while reducing the cost of providing wound care. Allows recipients to serve as on-site resources for training and educating colleagues in wound management.
  • Establishes a code of ethics, responsibility, and high professional standards by all certified individuals.
  • Demonstrates dedication to the highest standards in wound care. Not all wound care providers are created equal. Only those who pass a rigorous examination earn the privilege of ABWM certification.

“As a Director of Physical Medicine and Wound Care Services and licensed physical therapist, the  ABWM’s multidisciplinary CWS® designation has been instrumental in expanding my career horizons. For providers who encounter the need for wound management in their daily work, the CWS® is a rigorous and respected certification. It indicates your knowledge encompasses the broad spectrum of wound management principles as well as the very specific expertise vital for optimal patient care.”

Gayle C. Lindsey, PT, MBA, MHSM, CWS®

President, American Board of Wound Management

About The American Board of Wound Management (ABWM):

ABWM established the original multidisciplinary wound certification in 1995. Today, we offer three certifications – the Certified Wound Care Associate® (CWCA®), the Certified Wound Specialist® (CWS®) and the Certified Wound Specialist Physician® (CWSP®). ABWM utilizes an interdisciplinary team approach to its exam development and ensures that all exams go through a three-round psychometric review process. The ABWM board of directors includes a public member specifically to ensure the best interests of the general public. ABWM’s certification programs are accredited by the NCCA, which means that they have met the national credentialing industry’s standard of excellence for certification development, implementation, and maintenance.

Download a copy of this press release here.

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